Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cow vs. Lobster

So, as I usually do when I am hungry, I was watching a cooking show. Now, normally this is not big deal right? Wrong. They had Lobster on the menu. Please tell me there is a more humane way to cook a lobster than to boil it alive. Really, please tell me that is not the only way to boil a freaking lobster? How horrible if it is. Can you imagine the uproar in the animal rights community if we butchered a cow while it was still standing? I know I am being melodramatic, but, a life is a life right? I eat meat, don't get me wrong...I am not going to throw red paint on you for wearing fur (though I will say, that is absolutely disgusting and you really should not support skinning animals for their fur)...but, this was just something that I couldn't seem to shake after this cooking show. Anyone? A different way to boil a lobster????


"Intentionally Katie" said...

I just googled "How to cook a lobster" and found a "Humane way to kill a lobster" step by step instruction guide. It still grossed me out (I just realized that I sound 12 when I say that...) and though it is the "quickest and least painful" way to kill a just got me thinking. Ew. All of the animals I eat are killed. I'll be having a salad for dinner...

Anonymous said...

I'm with Katie, a salad sounds really good for dinner, too. But dang, I promised Will some grilled chicken. Ugh.

You know, Jenn, I have wondered the same EXACT thing before. I can't understand why they have to be boiled alive. Does killing them ahead of time taint the meat or something? I have no clue. I don't know who started that way of cooking, but I wonder where their mindframe was. I would never be able to boil something alive. I heard they "scream" while boiling. Is that true?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I HAVE told you my turkey slaughtering story, right?

Jenn Hydeman said...

Ug....this is the reason that I am semi vegetarian LOL...

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenn, I'm at work right now and my coworker and I just found the answer. When an animal dies, the digestive enzymes of the stomach will begin digesting the organs themselves, unless they are eviscerated (the guts taken out.) Shellfish spoil very quickly so they the best way to eat them and lower the chance of their being spoiled is to cook them alive.

I read that if you stroke them between the eyes or if you put them into the freezer for 15-20 minutes they will fall asleep, and you can then throw them into the pot.

Oh, I also read that one of the dangers of boiling them alive is that when you put them in alive and awake there is a chance that they MAY freak out and release adrenaline, thus making the meat taste bad. Uh, there is a CHANCE? Oh hell no, if you put my ass in a boiling pot of water I WILL freak out on you.



Anonymous said...
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Jenn Hydeman said...

Yuck, yuck, and HORRIFYING yuck. That is why I don't eat the animal. How sad is that? I can't really bear it. I think I am going to go to Red Lobster and set them all the news, I may be on at 9. "Next on Fox, a valley woman is arrested after releasing 27 lobsters into the canal, customers weep in hunger..."