Thursday, October 30, 2008

T's Observations

I love children's observations, how that little brain works. Trinity's brain FASCINATES me! She recently lost a peice of paper, and her remote...she comes in and says

T: "HEY, that's weird..."(very concerned look on her face)

ME: "What's so weird baby?"

T: "First, I can't find the silly pamote (AKA REMOTE), now, my peice of paper is missing....weirder and weirder"

ME: (with a smile) "What do you think happened to them???"

T: "If I had to take a guess what it is, it would be, like a ghost sneeking in our house, grabbing our remote and paper and hiding it....HEY, maybe they took your keys too?? You know, how you are always losing those!"

So, keep your eyes open for ghosts coming in and hiding your things...Hey, maybe that's where that missing $200 from our account went??


Unknown said...

Oh man, I have so many different ghosts in my house. I can never find anything!

The "pamote" ghost-thief is the worst.

Jenn Hydeman said...

Yeah, like the bra ghost, the clean clothes ghost, the brush, we are haunted huh?