Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tristan's First day of school! *SUPER late post!*

This was supposed to be posted back in October...I know *slap on hand* bad mama blogger.

October 19, 2010
Oh man...I thought this day would never come. I know, melodramatic much? But hear me out....he is still such a baby to me. Maybe it's because he doesn't speak, but...I feel this overwhelming need to protect him, even more than I thought I would.

First day comes, I am doing surprisingly ok. Then, drop off time. I start to unravel a bit. Shannon and Trinity were both there for moral support, but, I had to hold back the tears. He was so sweet with his back pack on. He walked with Daddy and Sis, hand and hand while I followed like a mad woman taking pictures. Just so you know, pregnant, walking a backwards while taking pictures, probably not the best of ideas...but, I did get some pretty good shots ;)

We went to lunch when little t was at school, I HAD to keep my mind busy. The time just kinda creeped by. Luckily, I had my Trin with me to keep me laughing and for extra hugs.

We picked him up at the end of school, and his teacher walked him out. I saw him and wanted to run to him...scoop him up, kiss him ridiculously, but..running is out of the question, so...I hobbled as fast as my swollen feet would let me, and saw on his lips "mama"...I was so excited that he saw me.

The teacher said he had an amazing day. All the kids love him, and he's a real ladies man at the playground. She mentioned how he wasn't really into sitting during circle time, so, they put some music on and he danced. They read my note..."dancing makes him happy". I love that they read my note.

I feel so happy for Tristan. This is a new chapter in his book, and he is having such a fun time writing the rest. Good job buddy, you are on your way.

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