Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

My dearest Jackie. This is my best friend from childhood. I have known her since I was 5. When my family and I moved here from Germany , I knew no one. I started school mid year and was very scared. I decided that I would introvert, not to talk to anyone. As I was drinking from the water fountain, I felt a little tap on my shoulder, I looked up and she was standing there, with her arm stretched out, a beautiful hand pushed toward me "Hi, my name is Jacqueline, and we are going to be best friends.". That was it. We have been the closest of friends ever since. Even with her being oceans away, I am and will forever be deeply connected to her.


"Intentionally Katie" said...

Okay, this almost made me cry. Especially since I aided in Ryan's class yesterday and read their letters to Micah, a classmate who moved to Hawaii before Christmas. The letters said things like, "I'm so sorry that the kids at your new school push you down and steal your lunch..." and "...we miss you so much..." and "...we would never be that mean."

So if you think about it, pray for this faceless little Micah in Hawaii. Maybe he'll find his "Jackie" soon!

Jenn Hydeman said...

Oh, he will....