Saturday, March 31, 2007

Loving my Kids

Why is it that when you just spend time as a family, enjoying life, being with one another and really getting it...why is it that time just ZOOMS by? I wish that I could stop time for a minute or two, really sit and stare at my children more..I try everyday to spend special time with both Trinity and Tristan, and I feel proud in saying that I am a really good mother. Not a day or minute goes by that I don't feel that my children know they are loved and that they are the most important things in our lives. I wish that people would enjoy their children

more. I am shopping today and hear a woman ripping into her child, yelling at them, saying mean things in a horrible voice...a scary voice. I can't understand how a child can make someone so unresponsive to the fact that they are talking to someone who has only been on this earth for maybe...4 years, (not certain of the girls age, but she looked about 4). It saddens me to think how those children are feeling. It makes me want to hug and kiss my kids more.

I think people need to keep in mind that children are doing the best that they know alterior motives, no malicious agenda..they are just simply being kids. I want to yell it to the world "CHILDREN WILL BEHAVE AS WELL AS THEY ARE TREATED!!!" Just love them, and ultimately, THAT is what they will reflect. Teach them by being patient, kind, loving, caring, respectful and sensitive. Show them how the world works, warn them of things that make no sense...
I remember having to explain injustice and prejudice to Trinity...she was 2. We were on a trip to Hawaii, she was playing in the terminal and a lovely woman was talking with her, being so sweet. She was letting Trinity sit with her, showing her pictures..really interacting with her. Then Trinity wanted to nurse...I allowed her of course. The same woman now shunned my child, turned her head away in almost disgust..and when Trinity didn't get a response from her this time...she didn't understand. I had to explain to her that people fear what they don't understand, and she probably didn't understand about nursing, and how important it was to Trinity. So, we raise our children to understand that there is injustice..that there will be dissapointment, and that through it all...we love them, we are here for them, and they are always safe with us.

So, love your kids, they are the only ones that you have...PERIOD.


Unknown said...

I know what you mean, Jenn. I am starting to realize that my girls are growing up and pretty soon they won't be around all of the time. I won't get to know all about their lives like I do now. As it is, Dani is already starting to get into that annoying preteen age where Mom doesn't know jack about what it is like to be a girl. Um... hello! I lived that life once! LOL. You gotta hold your kids while you can and appreciate them for being the person you made them to be.

Love your blog!


Stella said...

Agree with loving the kiddos!