Thursday, December 13, 2007

Newsletter for little t : Month 17

So, you are growing up on me little man....little big man I mean. Why do you have to grow so fast? I remember feeling you in my tummy...moving around so much, kicking and squirming, you felt amazing in there, but nothing compared to holding you for the first time...all 10 lbs of you! You are so sweet Tristan, I love it when you touch my face when you nurse, and on that note...what is up with the nursing lately?? I don't mind it, but geesh, you have been eating enough to feed a small country. I don't think you understand this Christmas thing, aside from trying to eat the "balls" off of the tree, you could care less about the shiny objects. I am really liking the new hugging thing that you have been doing when I pick you up. You stretch your arms out really wide, wrap them around me, and just hold on for about 10-15 seconds, being really still...I love it. I love you bub bub, you are amazing.

Love Momma.

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