Wednesday, March 26, 2008

We would like to introduce.....

BORN: (no real idea....roughly 8 weeks ago, but adopted the day before Easter)
GENDER: Girly girl
COLOR: The most lovely shade of chocolate brown and a little white button nose
HT / WT: weebit /itsy bitsy

So, we are suckers. I am an animal advocate, everyone of my friends knows this, and well, I have raised an animal lover too. The day before Easter, we like to go as a family to the Easter Festivals that are put on through our city. This one had a petting zoo, and they had bunnies...EVERYWHERE. Now, I must say, I had NO intention of purchasing one of these little furry balls of joy, but, upon seeing the love and pure compassion my daughter offered one of the tiniest of bunnies...well, put a sucker sticker on my shirt. She is the BEST pet. She is almost potty trained in her crate. She tolerates Trinity carrying her everywhere. She sleeps on her back, legs spread...she gives kisses and responds to her name. She is so freaking cute. So, withough further Lil Miss Hoppy Bunnikins Hydeman, our newest pet addition...that makes 9!

1 comment:

"Intentionally Katie" said...

LOL! I've seen cats and tiny dogs in purses, but a bunny in a purse is a new one. That is hilarious!