Thursday, January 29, 2009

My wishes and hopes for Trinity and Tristan

I WISH.......

...that you will ALWAYS feel loved

...that you will forever feel comfortable in your own skin

...that you will never compromise your integrity
...that as the years pass, you will have remembered my deep love & adoration for your father

...that you will be happy and healthy

...that you will laugh many times a day

...that you will know God, in any way that makes you feel fulfilled, but, that you will have that relationship with Him
...that you will stand strong for your convictions, whatever they may be

...that you will ALWAYS be mindful of others feelings

...that you will ALWAYS be mindful of your feelings

...that you will celebrate often....anything that makes you feel like celebrating
...that you will find all the happiness that this life can afford you

...that you will cry without fear of ridicule

...that you will love without fear of judgment

...that you will never allow money to become THE priority in your life

...that when the time comes that I am no longer around physically, that you will have remembered me as a loving, happy and gentle mother

...that you will fulfill every dream that you have ever had

...that when you have the chance to wish on stars, rainbows, 4 leaf clovers and eyelashes...that you do it, and believe in your wishes

...that you learn what real love is and hold tight to it

...that you take chances
...that you will see the trees rushing by, the wind in your hair and the sky blue as ever all the while laying in the back of an old pickup truck driving down a long dirt road

...that you will find and keep a best friend for life

...that you will make up your own language and maybe even share it with me

...that you will hold tight to your dreams...really believe in them, and make them a reality

...that you will have children of your own one day
...that you will take care of each other...that you will stand up for and protect one another always remaining as close as you are now...if not closer

...that you will respect yourself

...that you will recall all the great memories from your childhood and share them with your children
...that you will take each day as it comes, soaking it all in, enjoying the life that is yours

...that you will appreciate your freedom and understand what others have given up for you to have it
...that you will enjoy coming home and being with your family

..that you will find your connection to with the Earth, nature and everything she has to offer us

...that you will always know that we love you...more than anything


Jenn.y.Fur said...

I love this! :o) oh my gosh the last picture of Trinity on here.. I seriously did a double take.. I thought it was Jillian! LOL! Jillian is SOOOO excited to see you guys on Saturday!!

one, two and three said...

Nice blog! really enjoy this entry. keep up the good work.

Jenn Hydeman said...

Jenn, I know right...they are growing up so fast...

Joanne, thanks! I love writing about them, I don't plan on stopping anytime soon, so keep reading!!!!