Friday, July 24, 2009

Oh, if I had money...."Fake Shop Friday"

I battle with the idea of usefullness, want, need, overabundance, and lack...I wonder, "do I NEED this?" "how usefull is it?" and then....there are these fleeting moments where I just GRAB and GO! Now, I haven't had ANY of these moments in a long ass time, and that is due to lack of funds. BUT, I love to "fake shop" online. Have you ever done it? I'm sure you know, where you go to your favorite website, put all your wonderful little finds into your shopping cart, and's like window shopping, online. Well, today, I fake shopped at my favorite store, Anthro, and this is what I "bought" Enjoy...


Jamie said...

Hey! I do that too! A LOT! (And now I know where to get your Christmas present, tee-hee-hee)

Jenn Hydeman said...

LOL, you are silly....*but me something from there, I won't complain* HAHAHA