Friday, December 5, 2008

Amazing book...have to share

You all know I love books. We read ALL the time to the kids and alone, at least I do...if it isn't a book on tape or a comic book, Shan is not about it LOL. I have to share an awesome kids book with all of you and especially those that have a child with a disability, delay, or autism. It is called Waiting for Benjamin : A story about autism. WOWZA. It's deep, I really hits a note. Trinity knows that her brother is special, different, in a class of his own...however you want to name it, she knows. This book really helps to identify with the "typical" sibling and all of their mixed up feelings on this roller coaster ride that we have a LIFELONG unlimited ride pass to!*holy run on sentence...but you get the point* Here is the premise of the book from the sleeve.

Alexander's little brother, Benjamin, doesn't do things the way Alexander thinks he should. He would rather stare at the wall than play with Alexander. And instead of talking, he just wiggles his fingers and rocks. Alexander knows it's wrong, but he can't help but feel embarrassed when one of his friends calls Benjamin a "wacko."

When Benjamin's family learns that he has autism, they hire special teachers to teach him how to listen and talk and play. Alexander is glad-he just wants Benjamin to grow up faster. While Benjamin works with his teachers, Alexander works through his feelings of disappointment and jealousy. As time passes and each boy grows, Alexander discovers that Benjamin isn't just his brother-he is also his friend.

It is TOTALLY worth a buy, even if your child is typical...It talks so much about differences, feelings of dissapointment, jealousy, and eventually acceptance and love. Check it out, just thought I would share.

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