Sunday, March 8, 2009

Two Naps

My son has decided that he is back to taking two naps a day....I am LOVING this on the days we are home, but DREADING this when we are scheduled to do school and therapy sessions on the off clockwork, he falls, in his high chair (I tried to curb the nap with some fun go.) I remember when Trin was taking 3 naps a day, then stayed at two...for quite sometime actually. I guess we will just need to stock up on some really stimulating music and hope that will keep him from falling asleep 10 mins before his therapy!


"Intentionally Katie" said...

what a mixed blessing...he's probably going through a growth spurt. Kaylin started taking 3 hour naps a couple of weeks ago and ate constantly. In hindsight, it makes total sense that her clothes are now all too small! Thank goodness Target had cute Spring shirts on sale today, I stocked up!!!

Jenn Hydeman said...

Oh, don't say that! I don't think I could handle yet another growth spurt from this little one....he is already in 5/6T Jeans, 5T tops, size 12 shoes....he is the size of his sister minus a few inches in height. He is 42 lbs and is KILLING my back!