Monday, August 25, 2008

I am just people watchin'

This is my FAVORITE past time. Before I was a mommy and was a "working class girl" *gosh, that sounded get it though, when I worked away from home* I would sit outside during my lunchbreaks and just watch people. I have always been fascinated with people. I like to watch and imagine how they were when they were younger...from looks to demeanor. Were they the high school jock? The prom queen? The loner? I am not a big label person, but, lets face it...high school age is all about labels, and for some reason, I always wonder about how people were in high school. Maybe because it is such an identifiable stage in everyone's life. We all survived it, but I like to try and imagine how these strangers did. Well, yesterday I had a second to myself while waiting for Shannon and the kids to meet me inside Walmart. I sat in the aisle, and watched *gosh, I sound creepy....* After the typical, "I wonder if he was a jock? If she was a cheerleader? If she befriended everyone...." I saw them. A couple around 80 years old. One look, and I knew that they have loved each other forever. They were holding hands, looking at each other when either one spoke, they adored one another. I knew that they had an amazing love story, one that stood the test of time. I knew right away that they were together since high school...I knew, I didn't wonder. I hope that one day, when there is a curious onlooker watching Shannon and I together that she sees in us what I saw in them...

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