Monday, January 14, 2008

Count down to Friday

Tristan has his MRI on Friday. I am getting a bit anxious. Shannon and Trinity are going to drop us off, being RSV season she is not permitted to enter the hospital...boy, she is going to take that hard...we have decided to wait to tell her that she can't come until mid, I am sure I will be posting the events of that day later. She is so protective of Tristan. She told me that she wants to be there with him so he won't be scared. She has already picked out his stuffed animal, and packed his extra blanket for him. Its a mixed feeling....I mean, I understand the procedure and realize that he does need it for us to gain more insight as to why so many unexplainable things are happening with his development...or delay of development I should say. BUT, there is still a fraction of me that thinks...hey, he is fine. It is better to know that not know, this is what I have concluded. He meets with the Developmetal Specialist Pediatrician on Tuesday for a last minute second, I may even repost "MRI CANCELLED!!!!" but, don't hold your breath. For now, keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we do for all of you.


Stella said...

Hugs and kisses to your little guy! And to his awesome big sister, she is so sweet. He is lucky to have her.

Make Shannon take her to pick out a special treat for him, have her do something for Tristan while she can't be with him.

Things always work out, roll with it, everything is going to be ok.

Stella said...


I meant "have Shannon take her", I can't believe I used MAKE!!! lol.

Jenn Hydeman said...

HAHA, I knew what you meant! Thanks for the kind words though, and it's nice knowing you get it...having been through this yourself.