Thursday, January 17, 2008

Now what?

Last night was rough, I think I cried for about 2 hours....I love my husband, I am so appreciative of his support, but, I have also realized that I need a better support system outside of just us. I don't really have a large circle of friends, not what I thought I did anyway. I am determined to find an actual group that I can be a part of that I have PHYSICAL contact with people...I enjoy emotional support, but am realizing that sometimes I feel like I just need a hug you know? I mean, hugs from 4 year olds are amazingly therapuetic, don't get me wrong...but...sometimes, bigger things call for bigger hugs, like now. Thank you to Amie, you are amazing to have walked through this journey for sometime now, implemented a complete GFCF diet, STUCK to it, and help me on so many levels by listening (even if just by email LOL)...all the while raising your family too...I really appreciate you.

I have been reading a book for sometime now, Louder Than Words by Jenny McCarthy, I am sure that most of you have heard of it. Great read really, but it takes on a WHOLE new meaning when you actually receive an autism diagnosis. The book rings so true on so many aspects. I have gone back and re-read things that I once skipped over, they make sense now. What amazing woman and great writer. This book has become a new bible around here. Kinda like when you are having a REALLY rough day with your child, and you watch an episode of Nanny 911 just to help you through it?? This book helps me feel that way, I can see what she has been though, and it kinda prepares me. It helps me realize that I am not the only one that is going through this or that it is ok for him to do certain things that other kids are not doing.

So, now what?? We have a long road of therapy ahead of us, and truly, I am greatful and ready to take it all on. I know that what awaits us is uncertain...but realize with all of my being that we all love this little guy. I am certain that we are going to stick together as a family and defeat this, it's just a matter of time.

"Autism is not a dead-end diagnosis. It is the beginning of a journey into faith, hope, love and recovery." -Dr. Jerry J. Kartzinel


Unknown said...

Aw Jenn, I wish you didn't live all the way out in East LA and I didn't live up in North Country. I would totally give you that hug. I belong to an online group of mommies here in AZ (I'm one of the managers) and they are so loving and supportive. We all helped one of our members whose 3 1/2 year old son was diagnosed with a brain tumor (which he has fought off through surgeries and chemo - thank God). We have all different mommies from all different walks of life and we do the occasional MNO and playgroups and holiday stuff. Some mommies get together more than others due to scheduling and stuff. I'd be happy to provide you with a link to it if you'd like.

Jenn Hydeman said...

Thanks Tiff, that really means a lot and YES, please send me a link.

Unknown said...

It's an msn group, so you'd have to create an msn id (if you don't already have one...

The group is private, but just apply and in the comment area say you are my friend and either Gloria or I will approve you right on in!